Gun etiquette, Part 4

Gods you think to yourselves, will this windbag NEVER shut up about gun etiquette? This one will be the last, but as my 'Divas (Metal X Works Divas) co-blogger will tell you, I always have something to say about something.

Soooooo, part 4.

4) Every time you pass a gun to someone else, check the action and magazine (if the gun has one) to see if it is loaded. Every time you receive a gun from someone else, check the action/magazine to see if it is loaded. Every time you pick up ANY gun to inspect it, check to see if it is loaded. IF you do not know how to safely inspect and check the gun, either ASK someone how to do it, or don't touch the gun.

If you are inexperienced, NEVER assume that you know how the firearm works. Do not touch it until someone shows you the proper function.

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