Castle Doctrine????

There is a lot of information coming out in the wake of the Travon shooting in Florida.  Since I don't know all the legal details, i won't comment on that at this time.

Stand your ground is getting a lot of coverage however, and CASTLE DOCTRINE involves stand your ground.

What is Castle Doctrine? In Ohio it means that you no longer have a duty to retreat if your home is invaded. Castle Doctrine means you can stand your ground and fight with a deadly weapon if you feel the situation warrants that action.

Is stand your ground valid, and does it follow that castle doctrine is valid?

Here is what happened in Cambridge, OH a few months ago. I read this in the paper, and had several people who knew the persons involved tell me the story.

A man returned home. He finds his crazy next door neighbor in his house with a shotgun, ranting about imaginary video tapes and threatening to kill the man's family with that gun.  The crazy forces the man to the basement of the house and shoots him in the shoulder with a shotgun slug and leaves the man for dead. The crazy goes back to the wife and kids and is preparing to execute them.  The man manages to secure a .22 magnum rifle that he keeps in the adjoining garage, and goes back to his living room and shoots the crazy 3 times, saving all the lives in the house.

Three of the mindsets that create a victim mentality are:

1) I am a good person
2) I am safe
3) It cannot happen to me.

GET TRAINING. LEARN TO SHOOT. There are people who will give you many reasons not to have a gun in the house. I just gave you one reason that, in my mind, trumps anything they say.


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